Slow Cooked Chicken Tacos plus more Meal Ideas! (2024)

Ali Segersten Jul 20, 200923 comments
Slow Cooked Chicken Tacos plus more Meal Ideas! (1)

This past Thursday I had a cooking class. A dessert class to be exact. There is a lot to prepare the day of a cooking class. Not only do I need to make sure I have all of my recipes printed and ready to go, I also need to pack up most of my kitchen to go with me. Then there is the shopping, class, and clean-up. But when there are children involved, and in my case, four of them, I also need to prepare dinner and make sure the house is in order for the babysitter.

And to top it all off, Tom was away in Washington DC attending a Functional Medicine Conference on restoring gastrointestinal equilibrium. Needless to say, he couldn't be there for the class like we had planned. I am sure his time was well spent though!
So dinner? Something easy, make-ahead sort of deal that doesn't require much effort for the sitter. My mind was spinning Thursday morning as to what to make. Bean Soup. No, too hot. Salmon and potatoes. No, too much timing and work for someone else to do. Okay, I got it. I'll slow cook chicken in the oven earlier in the day and shred it for tacos. Make brown rice, cut up cabbage and avocados. Set out tortillas. Done.
It worked and was delicious, though I didn't measure my amounts so my recipe below is just a guesstimate. Though I think with this type of recipe you can't go wrong. Just use your intuitions when measuring. It will be great! :)
We have been enjoying these for lunches the past few days. I added chopped napa cabbage, diced avocado, cherry tomatoes from our garden, chopped cilantro, and a squeeze of lime. I snapped these photos yesterday at lunchtime. Read below for more meal ideas.

Recipe from our Meal Planner

Slow Cooked Chicken Taco Filling

Slow Cooked Chicken Tacos plus more Meal Ideas! (2)



Cook Time

2 hours

Prep Time

15 minutes

This recipe can be made ahead of time and then reheated when needed. Extras can also be frozen if needed. Use this recipe to fill corn tortillas or rice tortillas, or, one of my favorites, napa cabbage leaves! Add in brown rice, avocado, a squeeze of lime, and cherry tomato halves.


I use Bionaturae Strained Tomatoes. Ancho chilies are dried poblano peppers. I buy mine in the bulk spice section at my local co-op.


1 dried ancho chili seeded

1 cups boiling water

5 cloves garlic

1 tablespoons ground cumin

½ teaspoons chipotle chili powder

2 teaspoons sea salt

3 pounds boneless chicken breasts (or chicken thighs)

1 medium onions chopped

24 ounces strained tomatoes

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Place the ancho chili in a small bowl and pour the boiling water over it. Let soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Then place the chili and soaking water into a blender with the garlic, chipotle chili powder, cumin, and salt. Blend on high until pureed.
  3. Place the pureed chili mixture into a large casserole dish with the remaining ingredients. Cover and bake for onehour. Remove cover, stir, and bake for onemore hour, uncovered.
  4. After it is done, use two forks to shred the chicken. Taste and add any extra salt or seasonings if desired.

Slow Cooker Directions:

  1. Follow the above directions but place everything into a 4-quart slow cooker instead of casserole dish.
  2. Cook on high for 4 hours, or on low for about 8 hours, and then shred chicken with two forks.

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Slow Cooked Chicken Taco Filling

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chicken GF/CF main dishes spicy tomatoes recipe

About the Author

Ali Segersten

Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.

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Any idea what the macros are for this dish? Like the nutrition facts that are always on the back of things? Lol

  • Reply

Is ancho chile the dried one or the big, green fresh one? I want to make these for dinner tonight.

  • Reply

You may already be aware, these are not gluten free, as they use malted barley in the filtered water. GLuten free Mall pulled them as well. If you are sensitive to gluten, I would recommend you call the company, or google the information.
See below:
Food For Life Sprouted Corn Tortillas are gluten-free and yummy! Hopefully you can find these where you live. :)

  • Reply

What can you do with the left over sauce?? I made the slow cooked chicken last night. The sauce is so flavorful, and there is so much left.
Can it be made into a soup? Any ideas?

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Evaline - I have no idea what is going on with the search feature, it bugs me too! I do need to have someone technical look into it, thanks for the reminder. :)

  • Reply

Ali, I LOVE your recipe book and this site, but can something be done about the search feature? It barely works! I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but just now I searched from the main page for "taco" and got "no results"... yet here we are looking at a recipe for tacos!

Anyway, this one is one of my favorites, thanks so much for everything.

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Cara - Food For Life Sprouted Corn Tortillas are gluten-free and yummy! Hopefully you can find these where you live. :)

  • Reply

Hi Ali, Your tacos look yummy! I have a question though, what kind of tortillas do you use? I have been trying to find some good ones and I havent run into any I really like and that are gluten free. Thanks! Cara

  • Reply

We made your slow cooked chicken tacos for dinner tonight. I've been reading your blog for awhile but hadn't tried any recipes. We ended up making a modified version. My 4 year put his palm down on the hot burner while I was blending the chili mixture. In tending his burn the can of tomatoes wasn't getting opened nor the onion getting diced. So I just threw the chili belnd on the chicken (we used organic thighs) and put it in the oven so that dinner would be ready in time for the older kids to make it to evening activiies. Everyone loved it! Even my 10 month old couldn't get enough. I think next time I will double or triple the recipe and freeze. I have a family of 7 so this is perfect for us. Thank you so much.

  • Reply

Hi Ali,
We made this the other night for guests - what a hit! I don't really like chicken all that much, but this was fabulous! So good that I'm making a second batch (sent all of my leftovers home with our guests) to freeze for those quick night meals (if it even makes it to the freezer). This is definitely going to be one of our regulars.

  • Reply

Thank you for this delicious recipe! I made it today using my crockpot and it turned out beautifully. We used the blue corn taco shells along with chopped lettuce, tomatoes, and grated raw goat chedder. Thank you for your blog, recipes, and inspiring photography! R

  • Reply

Yum!!! Love the peppers mixed with the chicken. I think it tastes so much better to use the whole peppers like you did. Thank you for sharing this on Friday Foodie Fix.

  • Reply

I made the slow cooked chicken tacos and they were a hit! They were also so simple to make!! My boyfriend loved them so much that we had them for dinner two nights in a row and he's asking me when I'm going to make them again. Thanks for the great meal idea...It's simple and versatile. Many thumbs up!

  • Reply

Deb - Thanks for sharing your changes. This recipe would be a great thing to take to a party. :)

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We made the slow cooked chicken toco's tonight. I am not kidding- these were unbelievable. We had a big family gathering and what a hit! The flavor was outstanding and so simple to make! I slow cooked about 3.5 pounds for about 3 hours and it was tender and shredded easily.
This will be a great party meal and I like the crock pot suggestion too.
Thanks Ali

  • Reply

Eagle Loft - Your recipe for Hawaiian Chicken Stir-Fry looks delicious. I like the soy-free sauce you did there. Thanks for sharing! :)

All Adither - Thanks, sounds like you have a number of foods that need to be kept out of the house. I am glad I have recipes here that can help. :)

Pam - Yes, easy is key here. And tasty to boot! :)

Dot - Thanks, I am so glad you enjoyed them! :)

Jenna - I would love to hear how these turn out in the crock pot. Enjoy!

Joyce - Oh I bet grilled corn would be delicious with these. Enjoy!

Melissa - Tacos are an easy meal and there are so many yummy versions. :) I have never made flageolet beans before. Hmm, now I am curious, I will check them out. I will post a few of the great things that Tom learned at the conference soon. Thanks! :)


  • Reply

Aaah, this looks soo good and I love that high chair photo! I enjoy different versions of tacos and it's a great way to use shredded cabbage.

I cook a pot of beans periodically as well. Have you ever made flageolet beans? I have a bag and think I'll cook them up this weekend. I've never had them before.

Anyway, great post, Ali. You've inspired me to make tacos. Wish I had gone to that Functional Med Conference in DC. It sounded like a good one. I also wish I could attend one of your cooking classes! You come up with some good recipes.

  • Reply

Ali and Tom,

Thanks for these meal ideas, I like easy. Will try the chicken tacos later in the week. Grilled corn on the cob would go well with them. For us, sliced cooked chicken breast on top of greens is an easy meal. We do a lot of salads and grilled meats, especially this time of year.

  • Reply

Yum, I just love the flavor of the ancho chili! I will try this in my crock pot sometime-thanks Ali :)

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The tacos are delicious and easy! Now I don't have to use those disgusting pre-package spice packets for tacos! Yay!!! Thank you, Ali!!

  • Reply

Those taco's look really good and easy!

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So glad to have found your blog. My daughter was just diagnosed with celiac and, to top it off, my son is severely allergic to dairy, eggs, peanuts and treenuts.

Your recipes look great. I've bookmarked you and I'll be back often.

Angie (from over at

  • Reply

Ali, thanks for these great meal ideas. It is nice to have a few stand-by recipes that you can make in a pinch.

My recipe for Hawaiian Chicken Stirfry is great for using up an assortment of veggies that you have on hand and can be made in 15 minutes (although the brown rice that I serve it with takes longer or needs to be made ahead).

  • Reply

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Slow Cooked Chicken Tacos plus more Meal Ideas! (2024)


How many pounds of chicken per person for chicken tacos? ›

I typically start these tacos with 12 to 16 ounces of frozen boneless, skinless chicken, counting on about 4 ounces of chicken per person. That's between 3/4 to 1 pound for 3 – 4 people.

How do you thicken chicken tacos? ›

If you decide to use ground chicken, you will want to start by adding about one teaspoon of cornstarch to the two tablespoons of taco seasoning per pound. This helps thicken the sauce. Start by browning the chicken. Then add the taco seasoning (with the added cornstarch) and 1/3 cup of water or chicken broth.

Can I put frozen chicken in the crockpot? ›

Information. It is best to thaw meat or poultry before putting it into a slow cooker. Frozen pieces will take longer to reach a safe internal temperature and could possibly result in foodborne illness. Frozen or partially frozen foods can also cool everything else in the slow cooker.

What are tacos traditionally served with? ›

Lime is probably the most essential of authentic Mexican taco toppings. A squeeze of lime adds a dash of acid that brings out the other flavors in a taco beautifully. Onions, cilantro, pico de gallo, sliced radishes or cucumbers, avocado, and chili peppers are also standard toppings for authentic tacos.

How many tacos will 5 lbs of meat make? ›

How much ground beef per taco? Each taco shell or small soft taco-size tortilla fits about 2 ounces or 1/4 cup of meat. If you add diced onions, you could stretch a pound of ground beef to make about a dozen tacos. With just the meat and spices, you can make about 8 tacos from a pound of meat.

How many pounds of chicken do I need for 20 adults? ›

Catering rules state that you should plan on 1/2 a pound of meat per person. This allows for light eaters like kids and women, and for extra for the hefty men who might eat more. So you would need 50 pounds of chicken, if chicken is the only meat you are serving.

How much chicken do I need for 25 adults? ›

How Much Food to Serve at a Party
Chicken or turkey breast8–9 pounds16–18 pounds
Fish (fillets or steaks)7-1/2 pounds15 pounds
Hamburgers6-1/2–9-1/2 pounds13–15 pounds
35 more rows
Aug 12, 2024

Is chicken taco seasoning the same as beef? ›

There are slight differences in chicken taco seasoning, but they can be used the same way. Can You Use Beef Instead Of Chicken? Absolutely. You can use this taco seasoning on beef instead of chicken and it'll still taste delicious!

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Cornstarch, potato starch, and chickpea flour are a couple of pantry-friendly ways to thicken soups, stews, and sauces in the slow cooker. Just a tablespoon or two of any — added towards the end of cooking — will thicken sauces especially well.

Why add water to tacos? ›

Turns out it's essential for giving the proper consistency to the taco meat because those seasoning mixes contain cornstarch, which requires water and heat to create a sauce. What you're doing when you add water is helping the cornstarch create a smooth sauce flavored with the spices.

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Lansing, Michigan is home for the Crack Chicken. A great seasoning for all your favorite foods. Started in 2003, customers tried our famous chicken and came back for more. Their addiction to this delicious taste made them call it Crack Chicken, and that's how the name started, and cracked the food industry world.

When should you not use frozen chicken? ›

Per FSIS-USDA guidelines, if kept frozen continuously, chicken will be safe indefinitely, so after freezing, it's not important if any package dates expire. For best quality, taste and texture, keep whole raw chicken in the freezer up to one year; parts, 9 months; and giblets or ground chicken, 3 to 4 months.

Can I put frozen drumsticks in the crockpot? ›

"It is safe to cook a frozen chicken in a slow cooker," Quin Patton, a food scientist formerly with PepsiCo, told TODAY. "You just need to make sure the internal temperature gets up to 165 degrees at some point during the cooking process."

What do you serve at a taco dinner party? ›

No taco party is complete without a selection of sides. Classic Mexican rice, refried beans, and fresh salads are perfect for complementing your taco feast. Use Old El Paso's refried beans and rice mixes to save time without compromising on taste, allowing you to focus on enjoying the party.

What goes with chicken wraps for dinner? ›

Served with a light green salad and some fresh fruit and veggies (or perhaps this delicious fruit concoction) and this is a perfectly perfect meal.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.